Juno im Jahr 2024

Alexander Pikhard (Generator)

Opposition 2024

Juno steht im Jahr 2024 am 3. März in Opposition zur Sonne.


Suchkarte für Juno im Jahr 2024, generiert mit Stellarium. Auf das Bild klicken für Vergrößerung.


Nachfolgende Ephemeride wird online erstellt über das API des JPL Horizons Ephemeridengenerators und verwendet daher, im Gegensatz zu obiger Grafik, stets die aktuellsten Bahnelemente.


Ephemeris / API_USER Wed May  8 19:31:50 2024 Pasadena, USA      / Horizons    
Target body name: 3 Juno (A804 RA)                {source: JPL#137}
Center body name: Earth (399)                     {source: DE441}
Center-site name: GEOCENTRIC
Start time      : A.D. 2024-Jan-01 00:00:00.0000 UT      
Stop  time      : A.D. 2024-Dec-31 00:00:00.0000 UT      
Step-size       : 5760 minutes
Target pole/equ : undefined
Target radii    : 123.298 km                                                   
Center geodetic : 0.0, 0.0, -6378.137             {E-lon(deg),Lat(deg),Alt(km)}
Center cylindric: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0                   {E-lon(deg),Dxy(km),Dz(km)}
Center pole/equ : ITRF93                          {East-longitude positive}
Center radii    : 6378.137, 6378.137, 6356.752 km {Equator_a, b, pole_c}       
Target primary  : Sun
Vis. interferer : MOON (R_eq= 1737.400) km        {source: DE441}
Rel. light bend : Sun                             {source: DE441}
Rel. lght bnd GM: 1.3271E+11 km^3/s^2                                          
Small-body perts: Yes                             {source: SB441-N16}
Atmos refraction: NO (AIRLESS)
RA format       : HMS
Time format     : CAL 
Calendar mode   : Mixed Julian/Gregorian
EOP file        : eop.240508.p240801                                           
EOP coverage    : DATA-BASED 1962-JAN-20 TO 2024-MAY-08. PREDICTS-> 2024-JUL-31
Units conversion: 1 au= 149597870.700 km, c= 299792.458 km/s, 1 day= 86400.0 s 
Table cut-offs 1: Elevation (-90.0deg=NO ),Airmass (>38.000=NO), Daylight (NO )
Table cut-offs 2: Solar elongation (  0.0,180.0=NO ),Local Hour Angle( 0.0=NO )
Table cut-offs 3: RA/DEC angular rate (     0.0=NO )                           
Initial IAU76/J2000 heliocentric ecliptic osculating elements (au, days, deg.):
  EPOCH=  2457994.5 ! 2017-Aug-29.00 (TDB)         Residual RMS= .30077        
   EC= .2568515931340207   QR= 1.98311370781099    TP= 2458446.172773133       
   OM= 169.8582744332492   W=  248.2066852873043   IN= 12.98996269556062       
  Equivalent ICRF heliocentric cartesian coordinates (au, au/d):
   X= 1.020082010005661E+00  Y=-2.725908539652340E+00  Z=-5.534982189569915E-01
  VX= 7.840898575214026E-03 VY= 5.191795293378714E-03 VZ= 6.598655800714347E-04
Asteroid physical parameters (km, seconds, rotational period in hours):        
   GM= n.a.                RAD= 123.298            ROTPER= 7.21                
   H= 5.19                 G= .320                 B-V= .824                   
                           ALBEDO= .214            STYP= Sk                    
 Date__(UT)__HR:MN     R.A.__(a-apparent)__DEC    APmag   S-brt                r        rdot             delta      deldot     S-O-T /r  Cnst
 2024-Jan-01 00:00     11 18 56.02 -01 54 37.7    9.551   5.388   2.505340244152   4.8310820  2.01151178087290 -17.3281372  108.6208 /L   Leo
 2024-Jan-05 00:00     11 20 13.49 -01 54 55.3    9.500   5.383   2.516499366458   4.8289009  1.97198805364169 -16.8707946  112.3803 /L   Leo
 2024-Jan-09 00:00     11 21 06.70 -01 51 57.6    9.447   5.376   2.527651812530   4.8253256  1.93365872464066 -16.2917471  116.2561 /L   Leo
 2024-Jan-13 00:00     11 21 34.94 -01 45 35.2    9.392   5.366   2.538794400742   4.8203942  1.89682054653677 -15.5780284  120.2510 /L   Leo
 2024-Jan-17 00:00     11 21 37.76 -01 35 40.5    9.335   5.352   2.549924036172   4.8141439  1.86179128387486 -14.7263794  124.3651 /L   Leo
 2024-Jan-21 00:00     11 21 15.22 -01 22 10.4    9.276   5.335   2.561037709366   4.8066114  1.82888202023884 -13.7436579  128.5975 /L   Leo
 2024-Jan-25 00:00     11 20 27.57 -01 05 03.6    9.216   5.315   2.572132494790   4.7978324  1.79839122319042 -12.6323358  132.9466 /L   Leo
 2024-Jan-29 00:00     11 19 15.27 -00 44 20.9    9.155   5.291   2.583205548977   4.7878423  1.77061917130472 -11.3890647  137.4104 /L   Leo
 2024-Feb-02 00:00     11 17 39.15 -00 20 06.4    9.093   5.263   2.594254108752   4.7766753  1.74587596473286 -10.0094936  141.9851 /L   Leo
 2024-Feb-06 00:00     11 15 40.57 +00 07 31.3    9.030   5.230   2.605275489611   4.7643652  1.72447933982658  -8.4916343  146.6639 /L   Leo
 2024-Feb-10 00:00     11 13 21.36 +00 38 19.3    8.966   5.192   2.616267084167   4.7509450  1.70674741705164  -6.8378869  151.4363 /L   Leo
 2024-Feb-14 00:00     11 10 43.98 +01 11 58.5    8.902   5.148   2.627226360776   4.7364470  1.69297904707441  -5.0644636  156.2863 /L   Leo
 2024-Feb-18 00:00     11 07 51.60 +01 48 02.7    8.837   5.097   2.638150862406   4.7209026  1.68341857345401  -3.1992742  161.1927 /L   Leo
 2024-Feb-22 00:00     11 04 47.62 +02 26 03.1    8.769   5.038   2.649038204999   4.7043426  1.67825144117338  -1.2638944  166.1264 /L   Leo
 2024-Feb-26 00:00     11 01 35.56 +03 05 28.1    8.697   4.968   2.659886075502   4.6867972  1.67762019726555   0.7249638  171.0317 /L   Leo
 2024-Mar-01 00:00     10 58 19.22 +03 45 44.1    8.617   4.883   2.670692230039   4.6682955  1.68162953790487   2.7508320  175.6755 /L   Leo
 2024-Mar-05 00:00     10 55 02.51 +04 26 16.1    8.596   4.852   2.681454492121   4.6488660  1.69034471108619   4.7958667  177.2268 /T   Leo
 2024-Mar-09 00:00     10 51 49.34 +05 06 29.4    8.716   4.954   2.692170750752   4.6285363  1.70378692443288   6.8391777  173.1411 /T   Sex
 2024-Mar-13 00:00     10 48 43.58 +05 45 49.4    8.832   5.045   2.702838958502   4.6073331  1.72191922720425   8.8501225  168.3543 /T   Sex
 2024-Mar-17 00:00     10 45 49.00 +06 23 42.8    8.939   5.123   2.713457129696   4.5852821  1.74462586040058  10.7947601  163.5223 /T   Leo
 2024-Mar-21 00:00     10 43 08.69 +06 59 42.5    9.042   5.191   2.724023338579   4.5624086  1.77172895821634  12.6542344  158.7343 /T   Leo
 2024-Mar-25 00:00     10 40 45.16 +07 33 26.4    9.143   5.251   2.734535718179   4.5387379  1.80301992030282  14.4190804  154.0210 /T   Leo
 2024-Mar-29 00:00     10 38 40.45 +08 04 36.9    9.241   5.304   2.744992459658   4.5142948  1.83827296683123  16.0835809  149.3983 /T   Leo
 2024-Apr-02 00:00     10 36 56.16 +08 33 01.1    9.337   5.352   2.755391811029   4.4891035  1.87725178609288  17.6439350  144.8759 /T   Leo
 2024-Apr-06 00:00     10 35 33.42 +08 58 30.4    9.432   5.396   2.765732075253   4.4631873  1.91971041201581  19.0947892  140.4602 /T   Leo
 2024-Apr-10 00:00     10 34 33.04 +09 20 58.3    9.524   5.435   2.776011608374   4.4365686  1.96538325072088  20.4238910  136.1561 /T   Leo
 2024-Apr-14 00:00     10 33 55.54 +09 40 21.4    9.615   5.470   2.786228817874   4.4092692  2.01397337266830  21.6195917  131.9673 /T   Leo
 2024-Apr-18 00:00     10 33 40.78 +09 56 41.2    9.703   5.501   2.796382160743   4.3813102  2.06517383576572  22.6851267  127.8939 /T   Leo
 2024-Apr-22 00:00     10 33 48.26 +10 10 01.7    9.789   5.529   2.806470141621   4.3527119  2.11869457676565  23.6298873  123.9337 /T   Leo
 2024-Apr-26 00:00     10 34 17.35 +10 20 28.0    9.873   5.555   2.816491311347   4.3234944  2.17426781050772  24.4636147  120.0828 /T   Leo
 2024-Apr-30 00:00     10 35 07.25 +10 28 06.8    9.954   5.577   2.826444265644   4.2936768  2.23164761541292  25.1950157  116.3360 /T   Leo
 2024-May-04 00:00     10 36 17.06 +10 33 05.1   10.032   5.597   2.836327643937   4.2632780  2.29060310526801  25.8276154  112.6887 /T   Leo
 2024-May-08 00:00     10 37 45.90 +10 35 29.3   10.107   5.614   2.846140128333   4.2323162  2.35090223523798  26.3570160  109.1366 /T   Leo
 2024-May-12 00:00     10 39 32.92 +10 35 25.8   10.179   5.629   2.855880442560   4.2008091  2.41230065286638  26.7796760  105.6762 /T   Leo
 2024-May-16 00:00     10 41 36.95 +10 33 03.3   10.249   5.642   2.865547350524   4.1687739  2.47455946182563  27.1038951  102.3033 /T   Leo
 2024-May-20 00:00     10 43 56.83 +10 28 30.0   10.315   5.654   2.875139654883   4.1362273  2.53746518900140  27.3415671   99.0124 /T   Leo
 2024-May-24 00:00     10 46 31.47 +10 21 53.8   10.378   5.663   2.884656195922   4.1031856  2.60083026876377  27.5032376   95.7976 /T   Leo
 2024-May-28 00:00     10 49 19.83 +10 13 22.5   10.439   5.671   2.894095850495   4.0696645  2.66448972523922  27.5974274   92.6531 /T   Leo
 2024-Jun-01 00:00     10 52 20.92 +10 03 03.1   10.496   5.677   2.903457530998   4.0356792  2.72829135208215  27.6258273   89.5733 /T   Leo
 2024-Jun-05 00:00     10 55 33.94 +09 51 01.3   10.551   5.682   2.912740184331   4.0012443  2.79207731834931  27.5826899   86.5538 /T   Leo
 2024-Jun-09 00:00     10 58 58.12 +09 37 23.0   10.603   5.685   2.921942790479   3.9663738  2.85567677357114  27.4646748   83.5914 /T   Leo
 2024-Jun-13 00:00     11 02 32.53 +09 22 15.0   10.652   5.688   2.931064360682   3.9310809  2.91892292024307  27.2785030   80.6828 /T   Leo
 2024-Jun-17 00:00     11 06 16.32 +09 05 43.7   10.698   5.688   2.940103936045   3.8953786  2.98166980385097  27.0339644   77.8241 /T   Leo
 2024-Jun-21 00:00     11 10 08.75 +08 47 54.9   10.741   5.688   2.949060587362   3.8592799  3.04379257645696  26.7395684   75.0112 /T   Leo
 2024-Jun-25 00:00     11 14 09.12 +08 28 54.5   10.782   5.687   2.957933415489   3.8227980  3.10518462631204  26.4020873   72.2396 /T   Leo
 2024-Jun-29 00:00     11 18 16.78 +08 08 47.5   10.821   5.684   2.966721551242   3.7859458  3.16574745617407  26.0207118   69.5051 /T   Leo
 2024-Jul-03 00:00     11 22 31.29 +07 47 37.7   10.856   5.681   2.975424154644   3.7487355  3.22537100574005  25.5876657   66.8045 /T   Leo
 2024-Jul-07 00:00     11 26 52.21 +07 25 29.4   10.890   5.676   2.984040413687   3.7111790  3.28393008353633  25.0993926   64.1356 /T   Leo
 2024-Jul-11 00:00     11 31 18.95 +07 02 27.8   10.920   5.671   2.992569542939   3.6732876  3.34130175180332  24.5610423   61.4964 /T   Leo
 2024-Jul-15 00:00     11 35 51.02 +06 38 37.6   10.948   5.664   3.001010782388   3.6350722  3.39737967257012  23.9806442   58.8848 /T   Leo
 2024-Jul-19 00:00     11 40 28.00 +06 14 03.1   10.974   5.657   3.009363396581   3.5965433  3.45207512907872  23.3654009   56.2982 /T   Vir
 2024-Jul-23 00:00     11 45 09.46 +05 48 48.7   10.998   5.649   3.017626673891   3.5577112  3.50531515485756  22.7212741   53.7337 /T   Vir
 2024-Jul-27 00:00     11 49 55.04 +05 22 58.3   11.019   5.640   3.025799925910   3.5185859  3.55703291134502  22.0462317   51.1881 /T   Vir
 2024-Jul-31 00:00     11 54 44.57 +04 56 34.5   11.038   5.629   3.033882487018   3.4791770  3.60714638804134  21.3310994   48.6591 /T   Vir
 2024-Aug-04 00:00     11 59 37.79 +04 29 40.9   11.054   5.619   3.041873713721   3.4394939  3.65555737269591  20.5725799   46.1453 /T   Vir
 2024-Aug-08 00:00     12 04 34.35 +04 02 21.6   11.068   5.607   3.049772983798   3.3995457  3.70216969924690  19.7750852   43.6458 /T   Vir
 2024-Aug-12 00:00     12 09 34.00 +03 34 40.4   11.080   5.594   3.057579695555   3.3593413  3.74690138150152  18.9456227   41.1596 /T   Vir
 2024-Aug-16 00:00     12 14 36.48 +03 06 40.9   11.090   5.580   3.065293267226   3.3188891  3.78968631823845  18.0908505   38.6855 /T   Vir
 2024-Aug-20 00:00     12 19 41.53 +02 38 26.8   11.097   5.565   3.072913136423   3.2781977  3.83047327479222  17.2165847   36.2221 /T   Vir
 2024-Aug-24 00:00     12 24 48.94 +02 10 01.4   11.102   5.550   3.080438759668   3.2372750  3.86921719239973  16.3206996   33.7676 /T   Vir
 2024-Aug-28 00:00     12 29 58.66 +01 41 26.8   11.105   5.533   3.087869612029   3.1961290  3.90585647756085  15.3931932   31.3207 /T   Vir
 2024-Sep-01 00:00     12 35 10.55 +01 12 46.1   11.105   5.515   3.095205186356   3.1547670  3.94031284248949  14.4312191   28.8813 /T   Vir
 2024-Sep-05 00:00     12 40 24.36 +00 44 03.1   11.102   5.497   3.102444992056   3.1131959  3.97251089267673  13.4391338   26.4505 /T   Vir
 2024-Sep-09 00:00     12 45 39.94 +00 15 21.1   11.098   5.477   3.109588553758   3.0714222  4.00238855119615  12.4235285   24.0297 /T   Vir
 2024-Sep-13 00:00     12 50 57.11 -00 13 16.7   11.090   5.455   3.116635410348   3.0294521  4.02989922047430  11.3910739   21.6217 /T   Vir
 2024-Sep-17 00:00     12 56 15.66 -00 41 46.8   11.081   5.433   3.123585114997   2.9872919  4.05501130050899  10.3477354   19.2304 /T   Vir
 2024-Sep-21 00:00     13 01 35.43 -01 10 06.1   11.068   5.409   3.130437235966   2.9449484  4.07770038073098   9.2920305   16.8621 /T   Vir
 2024-Sep-25 00:00     13 06 56.43 -01 38 12.9   11.053   5.383   3.137191357207   2.9024283  4.09792614670842   8.2137579   14.5283 /T   Vir
 2024-Sep-29 00:00     13 12 18.50 -02 06 04.0   11.035   5.356   3.143847077948   2.8597379  4.11563145833116   7.1104543   12.2516 /T   Vir
 2024-Oct-03 00:00     13 17 41.45 -02 33 36.0   11.014   5.329   3.150404011690   2.8168833  4.13076335241615   5.9868898   10.0754 /T   Vir
 2024-Oct-07 00:00     13 23 05.12 -03 00 45.7   10.993   5.301   3.156861785346   2.7738702  4.14328253836844   4.8497316    8.0887 /T   Vir
 2024-Oct-11 00:00     13 28 29.34 -03 27 30.0   10.974   5.277   3.163220038579   2.7307040  4.15316586921623   3.7061252    6.4782 /T   Vir
 2024-Oct-15 00:00     13 33 53.84 -03 53 45.6   10.965   5.264   3.169478423303   2.6873901  4.16040615115661   2.5623372    5.5914 /T   Vir
 2024-Oct-19 00:00     13 39 18.48 -04 19 29.7   10.975   5.272   3.175636603309   2.6439335  4.16500451445856   1.4177466    5.7854 /T   Vir
 2024-Oct-23 00:00     13 44 43.21 -04 44 40.5   11.002   5.298   3.181694254064   2.6003392  4.16694825912845   0.2627015    6.9834 /L   Vir
 2024-Oct-27 00:00     13 50 07.82 -05 09 14.9   11.036   5.332   3.187651062354   2.5566119  4.16620831066666  -0.9050558    8.7960 /L   Vir
 2024-Oct-31 00:00     13 55 32.09 -05 33 09.6   11.070   5.368   3.193506725747   2.5127562  4.16276093773144  -2.0801280   10.9317 /L   Vir
 2024-Nov-04 00:00     14 00 55.79 -05 56 21.8   11.103   5.403   3.199260952187   2.4687767  4.15659720721121  -3.2554309   13.2442 /L   Vir
 2024-Nov-08 00:00     14 06 18.66 -06 18 48.3   11.134   5.438   3.204913459683   2.4246776  4.14772573876016  -4.4229949   15.6629 /L   Vir
 2024-Nov-12 00:00     14 11 40.35 -06 40 26.1   11.161   5.471   3.210463976036   2.3804633  4.13617278050033  -5.5761147   18.1523 /L   Vir
 2024-Nov-16 00:00     14 17 00.65 -07 01 12.7   11.186   5.502   3.215912238656   2.3361378  4.12197365040213  -6.7148471   20.6936 /L   Vir
 2024-Nov-20 00:00     14 22 19.40 -07 21 06.3   11.207   5.532   3.221257994471   2.2917052  4.10515225562405  -7.8476836   23.2770 /L   Vir
 2024-Nov-24 00:00     14 27 36.26 -07 40 04.2   11.226   5.560   3.226500999657   2.2471693  4.08571747492053  -8.9767508   25.8970 /L   Vir
 2024-Nov-28 00:00     14 32 50.92 -07 58 03.3   11.243   5.588   3.231641019062   2.2025338  4.06368421182209 -10.0961140   28.5502 /L   Vir
 2024-Dec-02 00:00     14 38 03.04 -08 15 01.1   11.257   5.614   3.236677825452   2.1578020  4.03908347408216 -11.1981377   31.2339 /L   Vir
 2024-Dec-06 00:00     14 43 12.19 -08 30 54.8   11.268   5.638   3.241611198504   2.1129767  4.01196550289194 -12.2738717   33.9463 /L   Vir
 2024-Dec-10 00:00     14 48 17.88 -08 45 41.7   11.276   5.662   3.246440923945   2.0680605  3.98240033300091 -13.3160272   36.6861 /L   Lib
 2024-Dec-14 00:00     14 53 19.79 -08 59 19.9   11.283   5.684   3.251166793662   2.0230563  3.95046729407852 -14.3246747   39.4527 /L   Lib
 2024-Dec-18 00:00     14 58 17.57 -09 11 48.1   11.286   5.706   3.255788606730   1.9779672  3.91623590607683 -15.3069853   42.2468 /L   Lib
 2024-Dec-22 00:00     15 03 10.73 -09 23 03.8   11.287   5.726   3.260306170177   1.9327968  3.87976289485460 -16.2647490   45.0697 /L   Lib
 2024-Dec-26 00:00     15 07 58.81 -09 33 04.6   11.286   5.745   3.264719298868   1.8875483  3.84111137041661 -17.1917484   47.9226 /L   Lib
 2024-Dec-30 00:00     15 12 41.28 -09 41 48.4   11.282   5.763   3.269027815002   1.8422249  3.80036161020012 -18.0798056   50.8060 /L   Lib
Column meaning:

  Times PRIOR to 1962 are UT1, a mean-solar time closely related to the
prior but now-deprecated GMT. Times AFTER 1962 are in UTC, the current
civil or "wall-clock" time-scale. UTC is kept within 0.9 seconds of UT1
using integer leap-seconds for 1972 and later years.

  Conversion from the internal Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB) of solar
system dynamics to the non-uniform civil UT time-scale requested for output
has not been determined for UTC times after the next July or January 1st.
Therefore, the last known leap-second is used as a constant over future

  Time tags refer to the UT time-scale conversion from TDB on Earth
regardless of observer location within the solar system, although clock
rates may differ due to the local gravity field and no analog to "UT"
may be defined for that location.

  Any 'b' symbol in the 1st-column denotes a B.C. date. First-column blank
(" ") denotes an A.D. date.

  Mixed calendar mode was active such that calendar dates after AD 1582-Oct-15
(if any) are in the modern Gregorian system. Dates prior to 1582-Oct-5 (if any)
are in the Julian calendar system, which is automatically extended for dates
prior to its adoption on 45-Jan-1 BC.  The Julian calendar is useful for
matching historical dates. The Gregorian calendar more accurately corresponds
to the Earth's orbital motion and seasons. A "Gregorian-only" calendar mode is
available if such physical events are the primary interest.

  NOTE: "n.a." in output means quantity "not available" at the print-time.
 'R.A.__(a-apparent)__DEC' =
  Airless apparent right ascension and declination of the target center
with respect to an instantaneous reference frame defined by the Earth equator
of-date (z-axis) and meridian containing the Earth equinox of-date (x-axis,
EOP-corrected IAU76/80). Compensated for down-leg light-time delay,
gravitational deflection of light, stellar aberration, precession & nutation.
Note: equinox (RA origin) is offset -53 mas from the of-date frame defined
by the IAU06/00a P & N system.

  Units: RA  in hours-minutes-seconds of time,   HH MM SS.ff{ffff}
         DEC in degrees-minutes-seconds of arc, sDD MN SC.f{ffff}
 'APmag   S-brt' =
   The asteroids' approximate apparent airless visual magnitude and surface
brightness using the standard IAU H-G system magnitude model:

   APmag = H + 5*log10(delta) + 5*log10(r) - 2.5*log10((1-G)*phi_1 + G*phi_2)

   For solar phase angles >90 deg, the error could exceed 1 magnitude. For
phase angles >120 degrees, output values are rounded to the nearest integer to
indicate error could be large and unknown. For Earth-based observers, the
estimated dimming due to atmospheric absorption (extinction) is available as
a separate, requestable quantity.

   Surface brightness is the average airless visual magnitude of a
square-arcsecond of the illuminated portion of the apparent disk. It is
computed only if the target radius is known.

 'r        rdot' =
   The Sun's apparent range ("r", light-time aberrated) and range-rate ("rdot")
relative to the target center, as seen by the observer. A positive "rdot" means
the target center was moving away from the Sun, negative means moving toward
the Sun.  Units: AU and KM/S
 'delta      deldot' =
   Apparent range ("delta", light-time aberrated) and range-rate ("delta-dot")
of the target center relative to the observer. A positive "deldot" means the
target center is moving away from the observer, negative indicates movement
toward the observer.  Units: AU and KM/S
 'S-O-T /r' =
   Sun-Observer-Target apparent SOLAR ELONGATION ANGLE seen from the observers'
location at print-time.

   The '/r' column provides a code indicating the targets' apparent position
relative to the Sun in the observers' sky, as described below:

   Case A: For an observing location on the surface of a rotating body, that
body rotational sense is considered:

    /T indicates target TRAILS Sun   (evening sky: rises and sets AFTER Sun)
    /L indicates target LEADS Sun    (morning sky: rises and sets BEFORE Sun)

   Case B: For an observing point that does not have a rotational model (such
as a spacecraft), the "leading" and "trailing" condition is defined by the
observers' heliocentric ORBITAL motion:

    * If continuing in the observers' current direction of heliocentric
       motion would encounter the targets' apparent longitude first, followed
       by the Sun's, the target LEADS the Sun as seen by the observer.

    * If the Sun's apparent longitude would be encountered first, followed
       by the targets', the target TRAILS the Sun.

   Two other codes can be output:
    /* indicates observer is Sun-centered    (undefined)
    /? Target is aligned with Sun center     (no lead or trail)

   The S-O-T solar elongation angle is numerically the minimum separation
angle of the Sun and target in the sky in any direction. It does NOT indicate
the amount of separation in the leading or trailing directions, which would
be defined along the equator of a spherical coordinate system.

   Units: DEGREES
 'Cnst' =
   Constellation ID; the 3-letter abbreviation for the name of the
constellation containing the target centers' astrometric position,
as defined by IAU (1930) boundary delineation.  See documentation
for list of abbreviations.

Computations by ...

    Solar System Dynamics Group, Horizons On-Line Ephemeris System
    4800 Oak Grove Drive, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
    Pasadena, CA  91109   USA

    General site: https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/
    Mailing list: https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/email_list.html
    System news : https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/news.html
    User Guide  : https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/manual.html
    Connect     : browser        https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/app.html#/x
                  API            https://ssd-api.jpl.nasa.gov/doc/horizons.html
                  command-line   telnet ssd.jpl.nasa.gov 6775
                  e-mail/batch   https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/ftp/ssd/hrzn_batch.txt
                  scripts        https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/ftp/ssd/SCRIPTS
    Author      : Jon.D.Giorgini@jpl.nasa.gov



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